Almost there ….
I feel like every teacher I talk to at the moment is feeling the same way I am. Flat. Exhausted. Fighting off the sickness that has been threatening them for weeks, and is bound to take up part of their holidays. And, like me, they have a mountain of work to get done in these remaining days of first semester (someone posted in one of my networks last night about how many centimetres of paper they had to work through – I’m too scared to measure mine!) As school promotions officer at my school, I am responsible for putting together our once-a-term newsletter, and if it’s not finished and published by Friday, I know I’ll end up tinkering with it for most of the holidays …. call it OCD, call it perfectionism, whatever it is, I suffer from it, and I need a break! So, I’m trying to convince myself of this …
I don’t know how successful I’m going to be, but I’m trying to give myself a break. To not get caught up in the things that I can’t control, and to stress about how it could be if only I had the time, or the resources, or the info supplied by others that I needed when I needed it ….. sometimes, Tamara, you just need to get over it, suck it up princess, and do it!!!
So, Friday. Buzz day. It’s going to be done, and I’m going to have a relatively work free holiday …. or at least, a holiday unencumbered by stressing about our newsletter, I’m sure I’ll have something else to obsess over, I’m good like that!!
So what’s your aim before holidays kick in? Good luck with it, may the force be with you!!