April 25
A Promised Land, by Barack Obama
Title: A Promised Land
Author: Barack Obama
Genre/ issues: Non-fiction. Audiobook. Memoir.
Shop local where you can: For Australian readers, you can find this book on Booktopia, or support your local independent bookstore. US readers, check out Bookshop.org.
I’ve been listening to the audiobook version of @barackobama’s A Promised Land, and it’s taken me a while to get through. At 29+ hours, it’s a hefty thing, but the sheer joy of listening to his words in his own voice was worth it. I’m a political soul, as I’m sure is probably no surprise to most of you, but my knowledge of international politics is very much limited to what we see in the mainstream media. I remember being moved with emotion when Obama was elected president. I remember being impressed with both his speech writers and his delivery whenever I listened to or studied his speeches. But I didn’t really know much more about what went on during his presidency. This book is a fascinating insight into his early years campaigning, and his first term in office. Focusing largely on the major political accomplishments, both at home and abroad, it nonetheless offers some touching personal moments – reflections on his relationship with Michelle, and his role as father in such a high-pressure and high-profile job. Beautiful portraits of some significant people throughout his campaign and life, rendered with care and insight, and reflecting on their deep impact on his life. I’m glad I listened to this, and I’ll be doing the same with the second volume – a well-written story read by someone who values and appreciates the impact of words delivered well is a thing of wonder. This book delivers on all counts.
#TamaraReads #2021readingchallenge 38/2021
Happy reading,