A shabby holiday!
Well, one week is down in my holidays. One more to go. What have I done? A lot of nothing. Some housework … only some, mind you. Major renovation in Tayla’s room – we pulled down her gorgeous castle loft bunk, and put her very pretty girly bed back in there. She’s over the castle bed, which makes me a bit sad, but we’ve certainly gotten our money’s worth out of it … so look out for a pre-loved castle loft bunk coming to an auction site near you! lol
I’ve done some bits and pieces of school work – still have a massive amount to do though. Sigh.
I’ve been to the movies a few times – we all took the girls to see Hannah Montana, which was REALLY good. We even went and brought the soundtrack for it the next day. Seriously, I enjoyed it heaps … so did Dennis. Oh yeah, the girls liked it too. lol I took Kieran to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince … yeah, I liked it. It was good. I laughed a lot. I was sad at the end. But part of my sadness wasn’t just for the death … it was for the parts of the book that I had been looking forward to seeing on screen, that didn’t make the final cut. Sigh …. I guess we’ll just have to wait until November 2010 and July 2011 to see how the final films resolve all that, given that there was some stuff in HBP that I thought was fairly important background info for what happens in Deathly Hallows. Yes, I know, I’m a book snob. So sue me. lol My sister and I, after much running around the countryside to make a session that wasn’t sold out, went to see My Life in Ruins, which was funny, light hearted, and just what we needed!!
Scrapping … yep, done a bit. Not a lot, mind you … but I’ve brought pretty new things, does that count?
This is my layout for the big band round of Chook Scraps Idol – the criteria was to scrap a double layout, with at least 8 pics, 3 pp and some metal. These are pics from my Nan and Pa’s home town, taken on the day we went and put Pa’s ashes in the memorial wall.
And this is my only-just-making-it-in-by-the-skin-of-my-teeth entry in the first challenge at Let’s Get Shabby. We had to be inspired by this picture:
And I was very inspired!! I’ve gone with a pink, cream and green colour scheme from the pic, and chosen a picture of a beautiful girl wearing a hat. I’ve also placed text at the top and the bottom, ala the picture, and used some paint, stitchy and ribbony elements to shabby it up. I’ve also concertinad some layers of the flowers to mimic the fans in the pic – but you can’t see that very well!
And the other thing that’s got me just a little sad at the moment … my boy has gone on a cadets camp. Yep, done that heaps before, and normally I’m cheering at a few days break from the testosterone-fueled drama that surrounds a 14year old. But this week, he becomes a 15year old. While he is at camp. And I won’t see him on his birthday. I know, it happens right? But this is the first time I won’t be seeing one of my kids on their birthday, and I’m a little sad about it. I’m sure we’ll both cope though, and before you know it he’ll be home and we’ll be fighting all over again. Nice!
K, that’s it for me – I’d better go and cook something for dinner. I’ve been all Masterchef inspired lately – last night was lamb shanks on a bed of mashed baby and sweet potatoes with steamed veges. Tonight, meatloaf. Dennis is loving not having to cook so much. I don’t know how long it will last, though, so he’d better make the most of it!! lol
This is beautiful!!!!!
Love how you stitch on the page, the colors are beautiful and the flowers you made are gorgeous!
Thanks forplaying along with us at Shabby!
Beautiful layout!! Love your flowers and that picture is sooo sweet!!
Thanks so much for playing along with us at Shabby!
A gorgeous layout, love the picture.
Maria K.
Yeah Missy PT love your shabby layout and yeap in just too. Thanks for playing alongwith us at Shabby.
WOw PT!! I'm soooo pleased you came played!!! You do a gorgeous shabby!!
Love the colour and how gorgeous is your girl!!!
Gorgeous page PT….luv your flowers and the stitching looks great. Beautiful photo too.
Love your stuff PT!!! If you wanna sell a castle loft bed I know a little girl who would love one! I've PM you at lsbs B-) Sami
I like the flowers you made for your layout, it’s so pretty.
Aw! Sad to hear you were not able to see your Child on her birthday. Well at least you made a layout for her.
Oh my goodness….
tapping fingers here…
waiting waiting……….